Facebook Disconnect Logo

On October 21, 2010

I’ll have more to say about the making of and response to the Facebook Disconnect extension later. For now, I’m dumping all different sizes of the logo I made for you to post. These images are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (the same license Creative Commons marks their own work with).

Spread the word!

140 x 140:

Facebook Disconnect Logo (140 x 140)

128 x 128:

Facebook Disconnect Logo (128 x 128)

64 x 64:

Facebook Disconnect Logo (64 x 64)

48 x 48:

Facebook Disconnect Logo (48 x 48)

32 x 32:

Facebook Disconnect Logo (32 x 32)

16 x 16:

Facebook Disconnect Logo (16 x 16)